Visual topology for analysing landscape change and preference

Sang, N., A. Ode & D. Miller, 2005, Visual topology for analysing landscape change and preference, in: ECLAS (D. Oguz), ‘Landscape change’, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture Ankara University, Ankara

  • Author : Sang, N., A. Ode & D. Miller
  • Year : 2005
  • Published in Book : Landscape change
  • Pages : 176-185
  • Abstract in English : The analysis of the visual affect of landscape change has been of interest in landscape planning, with several methods suggested for evaluating and describing the changes (e.g. Ode, 2005a). Among these are 3D visualisations of landscape change (Appleton et al. 2002), spatial analysis of land cover patterns and visibility analysis of land cover types in order to analyse the composition of the view (e.g. Miller, 2001). Visibility analysis allows consideration of the over all proportions of different land covers in the view, but only limited information on pattern in the spatial relationships of these. This paper presents a method for extracting the visual topology of land cover in order to provide a potential tool for analysing landscape change and its visual affect. Visual topology takes into account how patches relate to each other based on what is seen. For instance, mountainous topography may result in land cover being hidden from view while more distant cover appears adjacent in the view. Of course more distant land cover of the same kind, would not have equal visual effect, thus it is a matter for investigation to what extent this would form a continuous landscape patch, or two distinct patches. Through the approach a topological analysis is developed based on the visual relationship of land cover patches rather than just mapped land cover topology.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: GIS, land cover, landscape, preference, visualisation. / Eclas 2005