- Address : Volkertplatz
- Area : 0,4
- GPS X : 16.386827230453490000
- GPS Y : 48.222778481223060000
- Project start : 2004
- Project end : 2005
- Implementation start : 2005
- Implementation end : 2005
- Website : http://www.ziel2wien.at/dt/portal/content.php?navId=127
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Client : City of Vienna
- Ownership : Public
- Accessibility : Unrestricted areas
- Project Team : Heidelinde Holzinger, Heimo Frisch, Christian Eppensteiner, Verena Frosch
- Brief Description : The Volkertplatz is located within the densely populated area of Leopoldstadt in the middle of the 2nd Viennese city district. As a typical perimeter block development square it is integrated in the urbanistic pattern of the „Gründerzeit“ period and shaped by the surrounding shops and the weekly market. In 2004 a competition was announced to redesign the plot. The aim of the competition was to find ideas for the redesign of the eastern side, the installation of a pedestrian area and the construction of a ball game court.
The winning project provides for a framing of the site by an arboreal square that underlines the existing urban pattern. The arrangement of the pavement in stripes supports the clear spatial structure. The meaning of the Volkertplatz as a neighbourhood square lies incumbent in the fact that it is a space of communication and integration for different population groups living in the area. - Designer : Anna Detzlhofer
- Project Name : Original : Volkertplatz
- Type : Local recreation areas
- Image Title : Volkertplatz