Roth-Kleyer, S., 2004, Wasserhaushalt und Abflussverhalten von Gründächern, International Green roof Association
- Author : Roth-Kleyer, S.
- Year : 2004
- Title English : Green roof’s water regime and run-off
- Pages : 80-88
- Publisher : International Green roof Association
- Abstract in English : Extensive and intensive roofs contribute to modern storm water management in various ways: overall reduction and delay of the rainwater run-off; storage of rainwater within the green roof build-up for the plants; transpiration of the stored water. A very important feature with regard to the water retention capacity of green roofs in Germany is the so-called “Abflussbeiwert” (run-off coefficient). This value represents the amount of water that cannot be stored within the green roof build up during a distinct rainfall. In this paper, the results of different experiments and the methodology of measuring wuith regards to the practical performance and its weak spots are presented.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: green roofs, rainwater management, run-off, substrates, methodology.