Where landscape changes as ideologies change

Rekittke, J., 2005, Where landscape changes as ideologies change, in: ECLAS (D. Oguz), ‘Landscape change’, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture Ankara University, Ankara

  • Author : Rekittke, J.
  • Year : 2005
  • Published in Book : Landscape change
  • Pages : 267-278
  • Abstract in English : The „Ordensburg Vogelsang“, a fortification originally built by the Nazis as an ideological elite training school in the years 1934-1941, lies in the heart of the Eifel region in Germany. Since 1950, the castle and the surrounding landscape have been used as a military training ground for Belgian troops. As military use of the land by NATO is due to end by the end of 2005, a new future perspective is required for the area. Yet Vogelsang is more than just a Nazi fortress and military training ground – it also forms the heart of the Eifel National Park, which was created in early 2004 as the first national park in the region of North-Rhine Westphalia. At the time, Vogelsang was purposely built in a border area in the middle of a particularly beautiful natural landscape in order to set an ideologically-charged sign for the area, and by extension for the whole nation. The uniqueness of the impressive site is considerably added to by the fact that Vogelsang is the sole remaining „landscape monument“ of the Third Reich. As ideologies change, the landscape will, in the near future, undergo perhaps the most „dramatic“ change in its history — becoming a nature reserve and home to many protected species of trees and plants.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: Eifel National Park, landscape monument, Ordensburg Vogelsang, ideology, nature conservation. / Eclas 2005