Kaufman, A.J. & V. I. Lohr, 2002, Where the lawn mower stops: the social construction of alternative front yard ideologies, in: Shoemaker, C.A., ‘Interaction design’, Iowa State Press, Ames
- Author : Kaufman, A.J. & V. I. Lohr
- Year : 2002
- Published in Book : Interaction design
- Pages : 291-300
- Abstract in English : Having a front yard with a well-maintained lawn in the United States is the norm, yet not everyone goes along with it. What type op person would not have a lawn when almost everyone seems to want it? This study designed to address this question.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: gardens, maintenance, lawns, norms. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.