Hull, R.B. & D.P. Robertson, 2000, Which nature?, in: Gobster, P.H. & R. B. Hull, ‘Restoring nature’, Island Press, Washington
- Author : Hull, R.B. & D.P. Robertson
- Year : 2000
- Published in Book : Restoring nature
- Pages : 299-307
- Abstract in English : For any particular place, many states of nature can be created or restored. Which nature should it be? Which nature is likely to succeed socially as well as ecologically? Which nature will keep restoration efforts on the land rather than in the courts? Which nature is most likely to be maintained and thus survive in the long term? Which restoration project is more important than other pressing environmental and social problems and deserves allocation of society’s scarce resources. These are some of the big questions confronting, and in some cases stalling, restoration efforts. The social sciences can help us to identify what is socially acceptable and political feasible, and to understand the social mechanisms and processes by which restoration and management occur. The humanities can help us to justify our selection among the many ecological possible and socially acceptable natures and places our decision in the context of what that decision says about humanity. Ultimately the restoration and management of nature requires much collaboration from all fields of formal scholarship as well as real and meaningful sensivity to existing conditions, local knowledge, and the unique factors that make special, valued, and important each instance of society’s relationship with nature.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, humanities, participation, nature restoration.