Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street Children

Street children are perceived as being dangerous
and criminal, which is a perception that should be changed.Recently, foundations around the world are
ing this issue to a top of their priority. A chance was given to me by a
private foundation; one to generate a landscape for the re-habitation of street
in a vacant desert site in Egypt. I was to design a place of 3 Fadden
that will be made specifically to lure them from streets and keep them safe
ing landscape tools only.

research project started in the summer of 2009. It is
ing an experimental methodology from the beginning as there were no basics
follow at the start of the design. The foundations’ request was to design a
garden where street children will be taught to have productive ideas by

teracting with the socio-spatial environment. Sport was a target for getting
out their negative energy.The
design started
in a normal playground way, but it has been flexible, as each
day a new problem comes out to the surface and the design has been chang
ing and
may change further
into the future. Some problems that occurred in the site had
be solved
in a very strict way for dealing sometimes with a junior criminal
not a normal child. The
project breaks down the barriers and professional
in planning and urban
design. Each day a new way of thinking comes out to cope with the children’s
different way of life. The project was one of the most unique experiences that
come once a lifetime which
is why it has
to be taken
into consideration and application
for the sake of others.

  • Title Original : ????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ???????
  • Website : http:///www.anaelmasry.org/media.html
  • Project start : 2009
  • Project end : 2010
  • Contact Person : Germin Farouk El Gohary (AinShams University)
  • Funding Agency : I the Egyptian Foundation
  • Project Partners : I the Egyptian Foundation
  • Project structure : The research project consists of 5 main parts; first was  reviewing Green and brown agendas, looking through Rapid risk Egyptian urbanization. The second part was studying the wild users? (street children) behavior and demands and the Egyptian problem definition of slums area. This part of the research needed a deep look through past researches and interviews with the children themselves. The third part was starting the project steps going through the different sustainable landscape solutions that match the wild children demands and needs. The fourth part was testing the project with a sample of ten children through  few months.
  • Location : Egypt, Giza, lat : 30.013055700000000000 - lng : 31.208852600000000000
Image Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street ChildrenImage Title: Wild Urban Design: Sustainable Landscape for Street Children