Beyond doubt: wind energy plants change a landscape considerably. But all the landscapes of Europe – the more unpopular as well as the most favoured ones – are results of human action. In contrast to ‘the conquest of nature’, drains, forestations, motorways, reallocations of land and also massive the lignite surface mining, wind energy plants do not turn the landscape upside down but add a new, in fact obvious, element to it. Therefore it is essential to explore the aesthetic potentials of wind turbines and to develop adequate methods for their integration into landscape.

- Title Original : Windenergieanlagen und Kulturlandschaft - Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben (FuE)
- Website :
- Notes : From the perspective of research in German landscape architecture and planning, this project entered unknown territory. Previously, landscape practice and research with respect to wind energy plants focussed on the quantifiable - at least financial - assessment of ,mastesque interferences’. But of course, only by means of empiric sciences, the phenomena of ‘landscape’ can hardly be perceived - and ways of integration surely can’t be discovered. A landscape analysis that aims at landscape qualities in existence and equally in potentials has to understand, to explain and to design the landscape as a concept of structure. To achieve knowledge, interpretation and notion, a three-dimensional approach of hermeneutics, empirics and designs needs to be applied.
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 2007
- Contact Person : Prof. Dr. Soeren Schoebel
- Funding Agency : Interreg IIIC project windtechknow
- Image Title : LAREG windkulturen