Women and physical activity in an urban park: enrichment and support though an ethic care

Krenichyn, K., 2004, Women and physical activity in an urban park: enrichment and support though an ethic care, in: Journal of Environmental Psychology, ,

  • Author : Krenichyn, K.
  • Year : 2004
  • Journal/Series : Journal of Environmental Psychology
  • Pages : 117-130
  • Abstract in English : In this article, the author looks at relationship and caring among friends, family, acquaintance, and strangers in order to understand women’s experiences of physical activities in Prospect Park, a park of more than 500 acres bordering on several, diverse neighbourhoods in New York. The themes the emerged in these interviews suggests broader ways of understanding women’s experiences of public spaces, which are often conceived as places that are inappropriate or restrictive for women, both by popular imagination and by academic discourses. Restrictions such as danger and fear are important elements of the experience of public space, but women’s positive experiences of public spaces are often overlooked. The experiences of women, who utilized an outdoor park in a densely urban area, provide insights into the ways that a park setting can support physical activities for women. particularly as it is a social setting.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: safety, women, parks, ethic care, companionship, familiarity, environmental psychology. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.