Clark, V. & M. S. Milne, 2004, Your mountain or mine? Resolving conflict in urban park use in Auckland, New Zealand, in: OPENspace, ‘Open space, people space’, OPENspace, Edinburgh
- Author : Clark, V. & M. S. Milne
- Year : 2004
- Published in Book : Open space, people space
- Abstract in English : The volcanic cones that dot the Auckland landscape are green spaces used by local residents and tourists alike. One cone, Maungawhau, attracts over 1.2 million visitors a year to its summit and crater. As tourist numbers have grown in recent years so have tensions over the management and use of this open space. This paper reviews some of the key management issues facing Maungawhau and the broader context that underlies current conflicts. It provides a picture of different stakeholder concerns, focusing in particular on two case studies, the grazing of cows on the mountain and increased traffic flows to the summit. A tentative decision support system is then outlined that may assist the future management of this open space. We suggest the creation of a GIS and web-based system to assist in participatory management and planning. We argue that such an approach may make it possible to find common ground in the use of this shared urban area.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: open space, urban conflict, decision support system. [paper 6p.]